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The website of the University of Cádiz uses its own and third-party cookies to carry out analysis of use and measurement of traffic, as well as to allow the correct functioning in social networks, and in this way to improve your browsing experience.

For more information about cookies you can consult the Cookies policy from the website of the University of Cádiz. You can also access the cookie settings at any time from the corresponding link in the footer.

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    Third-party cookies (Google Analytics) are used on this site that allow the number of users to be quantified anonymously (personal data will never be obtained to identify the user) and thus be able to analyze the use made by users of our service, in order to improve the browsing experience and offer our content optimally.

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Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Algeciras

Comienzo de nuevos cursos Cursos de Verano de la UCA en San Roque  18 July 2019

 El día 18 de julio darán comienzo los siguientes seminarios dentro de la 39 edición de los Cursos de Verano de la UCA en San Roque 
C03 – Medidas de investigación tecnológica contra el narcotráfico y la delincuencia organizada
C04 – Protocolo empresarial
C05 – Taller de arteterapia Gestalt: basado en técnicas de teatro y escultura escenográfica “Volver al país de nunca jamás”
C06 – Estrategia medioambiental en los puertos y en el transporte marítimo de cara al cambio normativo IMO 2020
Aún estás a tiempo de matricularte. Visita la página